CampGrounds is a web application/platform designed for anyone looking to share, view, and review campgrounds. Users can browse campgrounds added by other users, viewing detailed information such as location, photos, price, description, and the campground owner/submitter. On each campground’s detail page, users can view its location on a map and read or add reviews if they are logged in. To add a new campground, users must have an account and be logged in. Once added, they have the ability to edit or delete the campground.

The frontend of the application utilizes EJS templating and is styled using Bootstrap and CSS. The backend uses Express and MongoDB for data storage, allowing for efficient and scalable management of the campground information. Mapbox is used to display the location of the campgrounds on a map, providing an interactive way for users to view the campgrounds. PassportJS is used for user authentication and authorization, ensuring the security of users’ personal information. Finally, to store the images, Cloudinary is utilized as a reliable and convenient solution.

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